English SectionFeaturedGamosa Uses

Brief Uses of Assamese Gamosa-Assam

Brief Uses of Assamese Gamosa

Initially “Gamusa” was known as ‘Phali’ (Dasham – one piece of Bhagawat) used to tie around the head or hair. It is otherwise called ‘Mukhosa’ used to wipe face. Gamusa with red boundary (Pari) and botanical themes in the two sides are utilized by gentlemen and women as head gear and at abdomen (Tangali) during Bihu celebration. Typically it is utilized as covering in neck and shoulder while going to Namghar (sanctuary).

Additionally, in all customs, identified with ‘Puja’ and ‘Nam Prasang’, Phulam Gamusa’ is folded over the neck by all. Farmers regularly use ‘Gamusa’ as head gear while working in paddy field or in kitchen garden. It is known as “Angvastra” and used to wipe body in the wake of scrubbing down. During Bihu celebration, the more youthful ones offer ‘Phulam Gamusa’ to senior individuals to show regard to seniors and loved ones.

Gamusa is extremely close the way of life of Assamese individuals.The change of the sanctuary and Satras are beautified with ‘Gamusa’ with flower theme alongside words” Krishna’, ‘Ram’, ‘Hari’ as butties everywhere on the field of Gamusa.

Assamese individuals when they go to/visit sanctuaries, to any strict spot, and ask God to favor them, hauling Gamusa around neck and shoulder is must. ‘Gamusa’ is one of three ‘Vastras’ of ‘Bhakats’ and ‘Baishnavas without which they are not qualified to enter” Namghar and Satras.

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